It drives me crazy when we get these "weather warnings"....people rush to the grocery...everyone tells you to get prepared...HELLOO!!! we live in Indiana...why do these kind of things send everyone for a loop??? and I think it is really funny that people run to the grocery to buy eggs, milk and bread??? french toast? break pudding?? what ya gonna make good with that?? where's the ice cream, pop corn, CHOCOLATE??? I know I'm being cynical here..but it is just too funny...
anywho...whatever we get, we will deal with....I'm gonna just play the odds and NOT go to the
Just a few things about me, my walk with God, my amazing husband, Duane and our family. We are so blessed and I just wanted to share...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Today was a nice day...started rather early for a Saturday, but we had things to do and I had to go to work...Mom and my sister came over to watch grandson while I was working. Mom made our supper, baked ziti, so that I just had to pop it in the oven when I got home. Grandson LOVED the supper and ate more than I had ever seen him eat is all of his 1 year!!! He is just so cute and so much fun..Papaw was on youtube and brought up the opening music of Curious George...Grandson ran across the room so excited!! He loves George and knew what the music was...and then when he was ready for bed, Papaw found Old McDonald Had a Farm song with great pics..they sat and watched that until it was time for grandson to go to bed..he went right in and feel nice! Hubby got all the things done at church and I was so happy...tomorrow is a busy day again, but I always look forward to church. Our church just finished and is opening for the first Sunday a 4.5 million dollar childrens is so exciting!! We have a large group of children in our church, and they are going to love the new is always so exciting when God does things that you think are impossible. and speaking of the impossible...I read a Caring Bridge blog of a 15 yr old girl from Fargo, North Dakota...she found out a year ago that a bump on her thigh was a tumor..she has had a hellish year fighting this is so sad...she had the tumor removed, has had chemo of a couple different kinds, had part of her lung removed and now they think it has moved to her bones. I just sat and cried at my desk on Thursday when I read that..I am so glad they are Christians and they are leaning on God for support thru this..I dont think it would be possible otherwise..I just dont understand why kids have to get just seems so horrible...if you dont mind adding to your prayer list, add Morgan..she really needs a miracle from God...well i should get hubby off the couch where he has fallen asleep and head to maybe only 10pm, but it has been along time since I've had to get a 16 month old read for church...LOL....wish me luck!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
I know it has been forever...I love reading other peoples blogs, but just don't seem to take the time to work on my own...
well once again we are in tax my job, so that is good. today I'm working from home..some that is! I woke up with a headache and just decided to stay in bed. got to sleep in till 9am, which is unheard of for me..but now it's almost 1:30pm and i have gotten alot done..several things at work..3 loads of laundry; loaded and turned on the dishwasher..boiled some eggs for hubby (he likes them for breakfast), made the bed and I have a candle lite in every room. I'm glad to get some things done as my Mom, sister and niece are coming to my house tomorrow to babysit for my grandson while I'm at work!! that doesn't seem fair, does it? well son and daughter in law sold their car and are now shopping for a mini van..oh by the way, they are expecting again in August! WOO HOO!!!!...and they are attending an engagement party for some friends on Saturday grandma was going to babysit anyway..when great-aunt found out, she said we are coming over...even if you have to it will be a fun day for grandson..he will get spoiled alot and his parents can hopefully find a new van. Hubby will be at the church decorating for the Souper Bowl we are head of for the LOTS compassion ministry we chair...we are having a soup drive to provide for the area food pantries. we do this every year, even if our favorite team is not in the game..last year we got 1500 cans of soup..this year we are praying for double that!! we even got the kids involved with a see which class can collect the most fun!!
so how's our family been? pretty good oldest son is getting married (again :0( the first one ended in divorce; age difference and he wants kids she doesn't) June 24th in Florida..we are looking forward to that..hopefully will make into a family vacation with my sister and Mom..youngest son is doing well with new baby coming in august..his wife is working now as a case management person with people who have slight disabilities..she is good at that..grandson is a year old now..into EVERYTHING!! he is the busiest kid I have ever tiny still and cute as a button! i love being a grandma!..hubby's oldest daughter and her family are good..granddaughter will be 5 next month..gosh where has the time gone?? and grandson is 2...they came to spend the night with us last weekend and they are so much fun..will be very happy when grandson is potty trained :-) ; hubby's 2nd daughter has a great new job in her college education with abused and homeless women and she is very good at what she does..she got to purchase her first brand new car this month and she was is always so nice to see your kids do well..hubby's oldest son is a junior at IU majoring in arts mgmt with a minor in music...he broke up with his long time girlfriend and we were all sad..but you know how those things go..if it's meant to be, it will.. he loves college..I could see him being a "professional student" LOL...hubby's youngest son is a mess....he has no job; no car and no ambition...he is supposed to ship out for basic training with the national guard in march...we hope this will give him the self esteem he needs and some direction for his life..he has been financially exhausting to us on top of mentally...he can be a total drama king at hopefully he will be headed in the right direction as soon as march gets here...
hubby is doing great, except for the son issues and we have had some car issues..he is great at fixing cars and ours seem to know that since they like to break down..we pray daily that another car does not break down...
our parents are good too..hubby's Mom is working as usual and her hubby is good too..
hubby's Dad had some health issues earlier in the month, but seems to be on the mend and my mom is good too...we find ourselves with 2 sets of people to take care of ..our kids and our parents..guess it's that time in our life...
I have been struggling with weight gain/loss .....loss/gain....gain/ get the picture..i went off my Prozac in October, so that is good...but I also started my college education in October too...doing an online college, Western Governor University..and that has been stressful..but I totally enjoy it..will be glad to get this research project done though...
so..have I updated you all?? I'm not even sure if anyone reads this, but it is good for me to get it all down and gives me an any comments are welcome!!
Blessings always..God is sooo good!
well once again we are in tax my job, so that is good. today I'm working from home..some that is! I woke up with a headache and just decided to stay in bed. got to sleep in till 9am, which is unheard of for me..but now it's almost 1:30pm and i have gotten alot done..several things at work..3 loads of laundry; loaded and turned on the dishwasher..boiled some eggs for hubby (he likes them for breakfast), made the bed and I have a candle lite in every room. I'm glad to get some things done as my Mom, sister and niece are coming to my house tomorrow to babysit for my grandson while I'm at work!! that doesn't seem fair, does it? well son and daughter in law sold their car and are now shopping for a mini van..oh by the way, they are expecting again in August! WOO HOO!!!!...and they are attending an engagement party for some friends on Saturday grandma was going to babysit anyway..when great-aunt found out, she said we are coming over...even if you have to it will be a fun day for grandson..he will get spoiled alot and his parents can hopefully find a new van. Hubby will be at the church decorating for the Souper Bowl we are head of for the LOTS compassion ministry we chair...we are having a soup drive to provide for the area food pantries. we do this every year, even if our favorite team is not in the game..last year we got 1500 cans of soup..this year we are praying for double that!! we even got the kids involved with a see which class can collect the most fun!!
so how's our family been? pretty good oldest son is getting married (again :0( the first one ended in divorce; age difference and he wants kids she doesn't) June 24th in Florida..we are looking forward to that..hopefully will make into a family vacation with my sister and Mom..youngest son is doing well with new baby coming in august..his wife is working now as a case management person with people who have slight disabilities..she is good at that..grandson is a year old now..into EVERYTHING!! he is the busiest kid I have ever tiny still and cute as a button! i love being a grandma!..hubby's oldest daughter and her family are good..granddaughter will be 5 next month..gosh where has the time gone?? and grandson is 2...they came to spend the night with us last weekend and they are so much fun..will be very happy when grandson is potty trained :-) ; hubby's 2nd daughter has a great new job in her college education with abused and homeless women and she is very good at what she does..she got to purchase her first brand new car this month and she was is always so nice to see your kids do well..hubby's oldest son is a junior at IU majoring in arts mgmt with a minor in music...he broke up with his long time girlfriend and we were all sad..but you know how those things go..if it's meant to be, it will.. he loves college..I could see him being a "professional student" LOL...hubby's youngest son is a mess....he has no job; no car and no ambition...he is supposed to ship out for basic training with the national guard in march...we hope this will give him the self esteem he needs and some direction for his life..he has been financially exhausting to us on top of mentally...he can be a total drama king at hopefully he will be headed in the right direction as soon as march gets here...
hubby is doing great, except for the son issues and we have had some car issues..he is great at fixing cars and ours seem to know that since they like to break down..we pray daily that another car does not break down...
our parents are good too..hubby's Mom is working as usual and her hubby is good too..
hubby's Dad had some health issues earlier in the month, but seems to be on the mend and my mom is good too...we find ourselves with 2 sets of people to take care of ..our kids and our parents..guess it's that time in our life...
I have been struggling with weight gain/loss .....loss/gain....gain/ get the picture..i went off my Prozac in October, so that is good...but I also started my college education in October too...doing an online college, Western Governor University..and that has been stressful..but I totally enjoy it..will be glad to get this research project done though...
so..have I updated you all?? I'm not even sure if anyone reads this, but it is good for me to get it all down and gives me an any comments are welcome!!
Blessings always..God is sooo good!
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