Saturday, January 29, 2011

Today was a nice day...started rather early for a Saturday, but we had things to do and I had to go to work...Mom and my sister came over to watch grandson while I was working. Mom made our supper, baked ziti, so that I just had to pop it in the oven when I got home. Grandson LOVED the supper and ate more than I had ever seen him eat is all of his 1 year!!! He is just so cute and so much fun..Papaw was on youtube and brought up the opening music of Curious George...Grandson ran across the room so excited!! He loves George and knew what the music was...and then when he was ready for bed, Papaw found Old McDonald Had a Farm song with great pics..they sat and watched that until it was time for grandson to go to bed..he went right in and feel nice! Hubby got all the things done at church and I was so happy...tomorrow is a busy day again, but I always look forward to church. Our church just finished and is opening for the first Sunday a 4.5 million dollar childrens is so exciting!! We have a large group of children in our church, and they are going to love the new is always so exciting when God does things that you think are impossible. and speaking of the impossible...I read a Caring Bridge blog of a 15 yr old girl from Fargo, North Dakota...she found out a year ago that a bump on her thigh was a tumor..she has had a hellish year fighting this is so sad...she had the tumor removed, has had chemo of a couple different kinds, had part of her lung removed and now they think it has moved to her bones. I just sat and cried at my desk on Thursday when I read that..I am so glad they are Christians and they are leaning on God for support thru this..I dont think it would be possible otherwise..I just dont understand why kids have to get just seems so horrible...if you dont mind adding to your prayer list, add Morgan..she really needs a miracle from God...well i should get hubby off the couch where he has fallen asleep and head to maybe only 10pm, but it has been along time since I've had to get a 16 month old read for church...LOL....wish me luck!!

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