Sunday, February 13, 2011

Prayers Answered...

A very good friend of ours has been sick...he has had issues with his stomach since Thanksgiving...they did all kinds of tests, decided it was not an ulcer or any such thing.  He went on a missions trip to Uganda in January and was only there for 1 day and he got sick..very sick..well not sick enough to spend the night in the Uganda hospital, but sick enough to go there, get some iv fluids and antibiotics and then go back to his hotel.  He was sick the entire trip and we were worried he would not be able to get home.  He got home 10 days later and went straight to the ER here.  He was jaundice and very weak.  He had lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks..WBC all over the place..they couldn't really find anything, but they did TESTS!!  Last Thursday they did surgery and took out his gallbladder...seems it didn't all...Friday he was back in the hospital with a temp of 104, WBC all out of whack..liver counts bad...His wife was at the end of her rope..he was too..
but yesterday, they finally got a doctor who said you are not leaving this hospital until I know that you are we all have been praying..lots..and lots..and lots!!! Today he is going home..they have determine he has gall stones still in the bile duct which caused the infection..the infection is gone and he will have surgery on Tuesday to get the gall stones out..If you are a praying person (and I hope you are!), pray for Mark and Judy..that this procedure on Tuesday will be the last one..that he will be all well...God has big plans for this couple with their mission work, so I am sure that He will get them both back to working in His Kingdom soon...and now that that issue is going better...I am going to work on this research paper that I have put off way too long...please pray for me too!!

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