Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stress, stress, go away!!

I don't like it when things are not within my control...not that I have to always be in control, but I do not like it when I am no where near in control.  That probably didn't make alot of sense, sorry...We have this issue with my husband's youngest son...he is a good kid, but has no direction in his life.  No job, no vehicle, not college material..but he has enlisted in the National Guard.  I think this is a major plus for him and will give him the self esteem he lacks along with the tools he will need to lead a productive life.  BUT...that doesn't start until March 28th...until then, what to do, what to do.  He doesn't like his Dad and I right now.  We are the enemy because we think he should be accountable for himself and be the adult he keeps telling us he is.  So if you read this and you are a praying person, please pray!! We want things to go smoothly until the 28th...
and I have been chewing my nails...down as far as they will go...I usually have acrylic nails, but decided to safe money...I think I will do something else to save money..my fingers look awful and stress doesn't help with that either..and while I'm looking for money for nails, I want to find some for a gym membership..and for some paint for our bedroom and hardwood for the kitchen floors..oh and I so need to finish this research paper for college...Oh my gosh, what have I done???  Prayers accepted all around, thank you very much.

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