I have often thought of doing a blog but never really considered my life to be so interesting. But I think that this is more for me than anyone else. Just to take a small part of my day to put down my thoughts and where my life is headed.
I am from a very small town in west central Indiana. Raised by very strict parents who believed a goods day work was important for all 4 of their kids. I'm the oldest of 4, 2 boys and 2 girls, which my parents had in 5 years! I think my Mom was a very organized person and managed to keep all of us on track most of time. She once told me that she didnt feel like she had accomplished anything in her life. But when I pointed out that she raised, mostly on her own since my Dad worked alot, 4 great kids who turned out pretty good, she could see that I was right. I know that at one time or another each of us disappointed her, she knows we all love her very much.
I have had lots of ups and downs in my life, 2 divorces, job changes, stress of raising 2 boys alone, but I know that God has been there with me all the time. I didnt realize that in the beginning, but he has shown me time and time again that He was there at all the right times. It wasnt until after my 2nd divorce that I found Him again and began to live life like He wanted. I became friends with some of the most Godly people I have ever known. Even though that group of people are not in my daily life now, God has given me a new group that is just as loving and encouraging as the first. He is like that, ya know? Always gives us just what we need, when we need it.
Just like when He moved me from Danville to Indianapolis. That was the biggest change I had ever made in my life and He was in control the whole way. I was fine at my job of 12 1/2 years in Danville. Had a great church family, great friends, my family was all very close..why would I change all that to move to a city where I had none of those things?? Because God knew where He wanted me and why. So I will leave this and continue my journey tomorrow. If you are reading this, thanks. I would love to hear from you. Especially old friends!!!
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