Monday, September 8, 2008

Third Phase

We had a wonderful day at church yesterday. Duane and I are part of the LOTS Ministry. LOTS stands for Least Of Those Served. We have been working on a food pantry box since March and it is finally finished! Our church collects non perishable food and takes it to a food pantry for Hamilton County at Third Phase. You always hear how Hamilton County is the fastest growing county and there are so many nice houses and such. But there are also a huge number of people who cannot afford to feed their families. Third Phase has been serving over 40 families per DAY from their food pantry. This is a real passion of mine, to help raise the awareness of the needy, especially families who have kids and need food. I know that there are kids everywhere in our area that only get what they are served at school at lunch each day. I am so glad there are places like Third Phase that are able to help. I just hope we can make a difference from the food we collect at our church. I will pray about this alot.

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